Scribble in the Margin

Scribble in the Margin

Scribble in the Margin

Unleashing the magic of the new.

Unleashing the magic of the new.

Scribbling Magic

Scribbling Magic

Scribble in the margin transforms stories into extraordinary creative experiences.

The very power of a scribble lies in its newness, suddenness and its ephemeral nature. It is created as an immediate response to the present and carries a certain openness to change, allowing it to meander flexibly into different future directions until taking on a final form.

A common saying goes as follows: Success is made up only of 10 percent idea, while 90 percent amount to execution.
A scribble in the margin is the initial spark of an idea and represents the 0.0001 percent too ephemeral to commonly grasp: the scribble of creative magic.

Scribble in the margin encourages to appreciate the magical potential of an idea and celebrates the magic of creativity as a whole.

Scribble in the margin transforms stories into extraordinary creative experiences.

The very power of a scribble lies in its newness, suddenness and its ephemeral nature. It is created as an immediate response to the present and carries a certain openness to change, allowing it to meander flexibly into different future directions until taking on a final form.

A common saying goes as follows: Success is made up only of 10 percent idea, while 90 percent amount to execution.
A scribble in the margin is the initial spark of an idea and represents the 0.0001 percent too ephemeral to commonly grasp: the scribble of creative magic.

Scribble in the margin encourages to appreciate the magical potential of an idea and celebrates the magic of creativity as a whole.

Personalized Creative Experiences as a Service

Personalized Creative Experiences as a Service

Personalized Creative Experiences as a Service

Immerse yourself in tailormade, interactive and multi-sensory experiences that will leave a mark: On you, your guests, your customers - on hearts and souls and minds.

We sit down with pen and paper. You tell me your story, I start scribbling. The magic unfolds. I'll transform your story into an unforgettable unique experience to indulge in.

It’s time to start scribbling outside the lines!

Selection of scribbles

Selection of

The selected impressions range from raw idea scribbles, spontaneous flashes of inspiration and somersaults of the mind to work-in-progress pieces and final customer projects.

Types of Experiences

Types of Experiences

The beauty of my Creative Experiences lies in their defiance of typlogogy, their openness to form. Your occasion is my starting point as I take on an interdisciplinary approach and combine techniques from performative art, game design, psychology, media technology and music to create a tailormode multi-sensory experience of a kind.

Let's sit down with pen and paper discuss the purpose of your experience and start scibbling form there.

Individual Experience

1 - 10 PAX

Dining Experience

10 - 15 PAX

Brand Experience

up to 30 PAX

Company Experience


Learning Experience


Ready to bring your story to life?
Let’s start scribbling together!

The scribble behind Scribble in the Margin

The scribble behind Scribble in the Margin

Hi, I'm Magdalena.

I got a tiny dark scribble in the margin of my left eye.
No, not impairing my sight the slightest, but enabling me to let go of perferctionism, predefined concepts and see, think, feel and create outside the lines. Enabling me to tell tangible stories that connect people.

As a Creative Experience Designer I put the personality of an individual, a group of people or a brand at the centre of my work. I always start out from the personal encounter - my perceptions and curiosities leading the way.

Scribble in the margin functions as a creative concept powerhouse, drawing from a vast network of creative experts from the arts, tech & hospitality to co-create your creative experience.

No creative experience is alike, since every personal journey is unique.

Find out more about my professional journey here and meet me for a coffee to get to know me personally.

My Personalized Creative Experiences are always personal, emotional, original and surprising, culturally sensitive and empathetic to context and message.

Your story deserves a stage. Let's take that scribble in the margin - on a restaurant's napkin or your phone's notes app - to a one-of-a-kind creative experience: ready for you and your audience to dive into.

© 2023 Magdalena Kim Novak
